Friday, February 24, 2006

Hi everyone - Dad wanted to put this picture of Babe on her 12th birthday on the blog - but couldn't figure out how to do it. You techie guys - I don't know. I expect the next pictures up here to be of our new grandbaby boy! Can't wait - and I'm sure Kimmy and Miah can't wait either - but we will - but it won't be long now!

Keep blogging everyone!

Love you all . . . Mom Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Just Sayin Hi

Hi everyone, it's been awhile. Jo, good to see your post up here. I'm glad that you are being blessed at Focus & learning alot. We will be there in just over a month now! I'm currently home from work sick, and I'm unable to keep my mind from wandering to things besides rest. At any rate, Bob, Bek, Katie and I are headed to the Keith Urban concert here in Orlando later tonight. Hang on while I polish my cowboy boots... It should be fun. Dave, in an effort to be more like you I have grown a beard, though the hair on my head has some catching up to do. Katie likes the beard, so I have withstood the sporadic scratchyness for her sake. As most of you know, we went up to Syracuse a couple of weeks ago. Long story short, I like it here more. Things were looking pretty dreary and run down up there. That's all for now. I'm still trying to figure out how to get all the blogs im a member of to show up on my one blogger account. I thought I was somewhat savvy... You will also note that it says under here "posted by callihander." This is Shawn, in case anyone was wondering. I will have to get my all-knowing wife to tell me how this blog works again.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My first bloggggg...

Hey everyone...
Wow, Focus on the Family Institute is amazing! I love it here! Every morning I get to wake up and see Pike's Peak! Incredible is the only word that starts to describe it! Anyways, on to the fun stuff! I have really just let everything go while I was here. I'm not worrying about bills (I'm probably going to regret this when I get home) and I'm not really worrying about anything. I'm just letting God use me in any possible way that he can! and he's doing just that! I have a possible opportunity to work out here if I want to. There is a job opening here at FOTF in their MIS department (ministry information services) and I'd be doing what I've trained to do for the past 2 years, so just pray for that! Constance isn't the happiest with the idea... but we'll see. On another note, Tonight I am going to see a concert... my roomates are paying for it! 2 of my favorite bands are playing... Lovedrug and Mae. It'll be an amazing show! I'm learning so much here at FFI about the Lord and my relationship with Constance. She's going to benifit the most from this than anyone is! alright well.. I have to go do some of my reading for tomorrow. I love you all and hope that you will all post something soon so that I can comment on it! I will talk to you soon everyone. Love you, Josiah